Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Final Piece for Project 1


Strider said...

The first thing that I see when looking at this piece is the very bold colour of green. And it works well to carry us through the piece. The light red is a good contrast colour to the green but maybe make it a little more prominent but I also cant decide if I like the subtlety of the lighter colour. The purple rocks flow well with the green. The two different shades of green work well to give the feeling of movement, not sure if that just happened or you did it purposefully but good job either way. Two main issues are 1. The blue on the rocks make this image feel "photoshopped" they seem too fake to me. 2. I can see plant life underwater in the upper right hand corner. and i think that maybe some transparent contrasting colour might help it to flow better versus just seeing green overtop of all of it.

Tyler said...

I love the painterly feel of this image. The different shades of green used in the water make the image pop to me. Interesting choice of color; are we looking at the aftermath of a toxic waste dump? I would love to see the top right area of the photograph incorporated better; it doesn't sit well with me being black and white.

Also, the twigs in the foreground are distracting for me. I would recommend you paint over them.

Lori said...

Very interesting first i wasn't even sure what i was looking at but i want to keep looking at it. Nice painterly feel going on with the image very simple but nicely executed. I like the use of the contrasting colors to bring out subtle details of the image

Lauren said...

This is a nice image, at first i was a little unsure because it seemed simple. When i actually made it bigger i saw all the brush strokes and detail put into it. It works well, i think it would look much better blown up so we can see all the detail.

armarkham said...

i think green was a very appropriate choice for the water and i read it as toxic waste or pollution, etc. also, the red as its compliment is good. however i wish that since they work together so well that there was more bank in the overall composition. i think it would also give you more opportunity with editing to explore what you can do.

klearcoat said...

This coloring works well with your theme of pollution. The colors themselves are unsettling and create that feeling in the viewer.The fact that the water take sup the most space here really forces you to deal with the awkwardness of the color choice, which relates back to the theme. You definately get the idea that someting is no right.

Abby Moize said...

First I love the color choice for the water. I too read it as something toxic. I also like the painterly effect with the different shades of green in the water, it really gives a strong sense of movement within the piece. The purple rocks in the water are a good contrast, however I am not sure about the blue rocks on the shore. I am bothered by only some of them being blue and the others are still reddish brown like the earth.

evaaw said...

I love how the use of non local color transformed the meaning of the image! it feels like from different planet, I would also do something with the branches in foreground to complete the ambiguity. The green creates lots of energy!

Dozier said...

The green and the purple work very well together. I am still a little confused on what it actually is. I want to say that it is a stream. Either way, the textures look nice. On the side of the picture however, the red is a little overpowering of the blue. Maybe it is because of the lighting on those rocks. Other than that it is a good piece.